Hi there!

Welcome to my little home on the Web. Growing up in a house where the walls danced from the sounds of two pianists practicing, fate has it that I am a violinist. My dear parents, Stanislav and Tatiana, handed me a tiny violin when I was three, and that was the beginning of a never-ending love for music. (In reality, I probably threw a little fit...)


I believe that programming must serve three important entities: the audience (what does the audience want & what kind of musical journey can we create for them?), the music (tradition versus discovery?) and the future (how do we support contemporary composers in our common pursuit of revolutionizing classical music?)

In my programs, I love to pair lesser-known repertoire from the past — including Golden-Age encore pieces, my favorite vocal transcriptions, and works by composers who’ve been wrongfully disregarded — with contemporary voices who deserve to be championed. It brings me great joy to introduce this pairing into programs that also contain our most beloved classics.

Follow me on Facebook (Maria Ioudenitch, violinist) for strictly musical and professional updates, and Instagram (@mariaioud) for a slightly more personal glimpse into my life.